Water Pollutions Treatment
Water Pollutions & Treatment Blöndal & Water Pollutions & Treatment We can all agree that drinking untreated water can be hazardous to your health, because
Reverse osmosis/RO Water is a filtration system that has been important in the challenge of desalination. Taking a closer look at reverse osmosis/RO Water, however, there are ongoing discussions about the merits of its use.
Having a better understanding of how a reverse osmosis filtration system works will eliminate the mystery and confusion you may feel regarding reverse osmosis technology. Read on to enhance your knowledge of reverse osmosis.
Having been around now for over 50 years, reverse osmosis water/RO Water filtration technology is nothing new.
Basically, reverse osmosis is a process in which dissolved inorganic solids (such as salts) are removed from a solution (e.g. water). Reverse osmosis/RO Water is one of the processes that make desalination (the removal of salt from seawater) possible. Other than that, reverse osmosis is used in recycling processes, in wastewater treatment, and can also produce energy.
However, since the late 1990’s – when populations, mainly in Eastern Europe, began being supplied with drinking water produced by reverse osmosis – researchers have raised many serious health concerns, regarding the use of reverse osmosis technology in the production of drinking water.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has presented a comprehensive report regarding the serious health complaints various populations began to express, after being provided with tap water produced by reverse osmosis. This 2004 report shows that after only a few months’ consumption of water produced through reverse osmosis, these populations were reporting symptoms suggestive of acute magnesium and/or calcium deficiency.
Listed among these complaints were symptoms of cardiovascular disorders, such as: tiredness, weakness, and/or muscular cramps. These are basically the same symptoms listed in health warnings issued from the German Society for Nutrition.
The problem is that the regular consumption of water depleted of its mineral content (such as the case with reverse osmosis, or with distilled water) will ultimately begin to extract vital minerals from the body. Water produced by reverse osmosis – sometimes referred to as “hungry water” – has the tendency to attach itself to these minerals, which are then flushed from the body. The bottom line is that reverse osmosis can be extremely hazardous to your health.
Blöndal is a very health-conscious company and our water filters do not remove the naturally-occurring essential salts and minerals found in water, as is the case with reverse osmosis. Our highly efficient hollow fibre membrane traps contaminants such as dirt, sand and particles down to 0.01 micron. Up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses are also removed.
Water produced by Blöndal water filtration system is free of physical impurities – by means of our ultra-filtration (UF) membrane, ensuring proper water filtration; void of chemical residues or any other dangerous side-effects. You are left with clean, safe drinking water; with its natural salts and minerals preserved!
Water Pollutions & Treatment Blöndal & Water Pollutions & Treatment We can all agree that drinking untreated water can be hazardous to your health, because
Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis/RO Water is a filtration system that has been important in the challenge of desalination. Taking a closer look at reverse osmosis/RO
Distilled Water The regular consumption of distilled water, for health reasons, has its proponents and its opponents. But, the total absence of naturally-occurring minerals and
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Blöndal is a brand that is devoted to making homes, commercial buildings and industries more hygienic, healthy and consequently more productive by being a leading provider of high quality cost effective water purification systems, air purifiers and cleaning machines